Rosemont Illinois
Auto Maintenance Services

Look no further than the team at My Nine Eleven Shop for top-quality auto maintenance services. Our local mechanics specialize in European vehicles, providing manufacturer-specified maintenance schedules for Porsches, BMWs, and more. As auto performance enthusiasts, we know what it takes to keep a German car running at its peak with best-in-class maintenance services. Call now to schedule your inspection or routine service!
Auto Repair Services

Make us your go-to for Porsche repair in Woodstock, IL, and you'll be impressed with our work. Our expert technicians have experience with European models, so you can trust us to know what we are working on and get every job done right the first time! Our professional BMW, Audi, VW, and Porsche repair services include engines, transmissions, brakes, suspensions, and more. If you’re looking for Porsche repair in the tri-state area, My Nine Eleven Shop provides the service and parts you need to keep your vehicle running smoothly.
Auto Performance Upgrades

Count on the experienced mechanics at My Nine Eleven Shop for your auto performance upgrades. We install almost any Porsche upgrade, including suspensions, brakes, intakes, and more. We provide warranties and work with insurance too. Call My Nine Eleven Shop today to learn how we can boost the speed and handling of your Porsche and get a free estimate on performance work!